Scarlett Johannson Born a Man!

scarlettred (A Man?)

scarlett3 (Scarlett Johansson)


I wanted to change things up a bit with my recent posts on the anthem protest. Scarlett Johannsson is a talented actor. He has fooled us all into believing he is a woman. What’s worse guys like me have lusted after her. Remember lust is a sin. He is not the only celebrity in Hollywood who is transgendered. Satan and his Illuminati loves to blur the lines between the sexes. This is one of the tactics. Could I be wrong about Scarlett Johansson. Sure I could be. What if I’m not!

Scarlett Has a Child

People who read this post will immediately point out the fact that Scarlett has a child with his husband. Here are a few pics:

pregnantscarlett2 (Was She Preganant?)

scarlettjohanssonpregnant (Fake Pregnancy?)

I wanted to post those pics of Scarlett Johansson pregnant to say that I don’t believe he was. Do not Hollywood produce films and t.v. shows when certain actresses “pretended” to be pregnant? Why can’t the same case be true with Scarlett? The antichrist Movement contols the media as well as Hollywood. Suppose, hypothetically speaking, they faked Scarlett’s pregnancy to make him appear more like a woman. This way when someone like me comes around saying Scarlett was born a man then I’d be dismissed as crazy. I want a legit blood test from honest people to prove if he is the biological mother of the child. Of course if Scarlett is a pre-op Tranny then he could be the biological father of the child, while some other real woman gave birth.

My thoughts: Scarlett is a post-op tranny. The reason why Scarlett looks so much like a female is because they started him young, probably before he reached puberty. With modern medicine and starting Scarlett at a young age, then the female characteristics can show more easily and we as the masses are fooled.

Hanibbal Buress

What does Hanibbal has to do with this? Mr. Buress had a comedy special “Live at Chicago” where he said something interesting about Mr. Johansson. Check out this video posted by Rainy Hospet:

All you have to do is watch about 3-4 minutes of it. Mr. Buress says that Scarlett is a man. Wait, before anyone gets a crazy reaction to what I’m saying please note this: the Illuminati gives satanic messages with satanic symbolism disguised as entertainment. For example, there have been comedic movies where men have kissed each other and cross dressed. Those are two methods of promoting homosexuality in a subtle way. So whether it’s sports, movies, reality shows, and yes stand comedy shows, the methods are the same. With them “behind every joke there’s some truth”. So if you look at the video above what you are looking at is Hanibbal saying a hidden truth, but behind a series of jokes. See we get entertained while he’s telling a hidden message. Remember, he’s credited with outing Bill Cosby on his sexual assaults. He’s a comedic devil worshipper.

Check out this video post by Pockets of the Future:

While we don’t share the same spiritual beliefs, there are things in his video I found very useful. Scarlett comes from money. So he would’ve had the resources to pull of this transformation. With the backing of the Illuminati he has the protection to keep the lie going. So taking females hormones among other things to stunt his growth and to look more feminine, then we have a man who looks like a woman. Scary indeed.

By the way, who has seen the Avengers: Age of Ultron? I wanted to mention this movie because there’s a scene with the Avengers at Hawkeye’s house between Scarlett (portraying Black Widow) and Mark Ruffalo (portraying Dr. Banner). In the scene, Scarlett says that when she was being trained as an assassin, she was “fixed” so she couldn’t have children. I believe this was a hidden message towards Scarlett being a man and couldn’t give birth to children. Is it farfetched? Perhaps I’m reaching, but I know I’m not. Anyone who has watched Scarlett films, there are references to his being born a man. This reference to Scarlett being a man is probably in most of, if not all of his films. We just have to know where to look. I’m sure some of you are aware of other references to this fact. I have seen some of Scarlett’s films, but I must admit I can’t think of other references. I guess I have to rewatch what I’ve seen.


There are other transgendered celebrities such as Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Obama, and Sandra Bullock for example. I may post on this more in the future or save it for the books, not sure yet. I just want to post on more things about the antichrist movement. We can agree or disagree on who’s transgendered and who’s not, but I don’t want any of us to lose sight of the fact that there are transgendered celebrities and Hollywood loves to promote confusion just like Lucifer, their spiritual father. With that said, I believe Scarlett Johansson was born a man. If you like this post please share it. God bless!

You can also check out my post on the Illuminati Gay Agenda here:



    • Yeah I read it. There were several instances of referring Scarlett Johansson as a guy. It could’ve been a typo, but the rest of the article seems grammatically correct. So it may have been on purpose.


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